What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

SERVPRO recently restored a basement room that had water damage. The room looks better than it did before the damage! Michael, AJ, and the entire SERVPRO team did an outstanding job and were so easy to work with! I highly recommend their services!

Great service, great people they employ, highly recommend...Bloomington/Normal and areas they service.

Overall, satisfied.

Thank you!

Overall a great experience. Thank you so much for arriving so quickly and getting things cleaned up!

I was impressed by the on-site personnel that completed the services. 

Could not have asked for better service!! Thank you for helping us sooner than anticipated upon initial contact. So relieved you have trustworthy employees. Friendly and professional.

I was impressed!

Great Job!

Excellent Service!!

Great job! 

The team knew what they were doing & really helped!

I was very satisfied with your work. The employees were all very nice. Thank you.